Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Over the christmas holidays I went with my family to South Africa. I am now realising the importance of experiencing and seeing new places and environments. I found the trip very inspiring and since my 'not just fleurons' project was coming to an end it was the perfect opportunity to be thinking up ideas for my Extended Major Project. I found the country incredible due to the divide between the richer and poorer people, some sights were very overwhelming and others were just like being in a city like London.

As far as graphics goes, this penguin logo for the penguins at Boulder's beach near Cape Town was probably the nicest bit of design I saw.

This trip made me realise how much I enjoy taking pictures of the people of a country in order to capture the mood and feel of the country. I now strongly believe that even though the sights and views can be magnificent, it is only after meeting and watching the locals go about their daily lives that you really see what a country is like. I would absolutely love to spend time photographing people from all over world! I think by doing this, it would open up my eyes and allow me to have the inspiration to become the designer I really want to be.

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