Friday, March 18, 2011

maps and tree rings

Experimenting with different thicknesses of fine liner pens and types of markings. Markings obtained from a book on graphic and map symbols.

Here I have illustrated four of the 7 stages of Alzheimer's disease, using the idea from the quote relating it to dutch elm disease. All four were done using a 0.3 fine liner on plain white paper and using a lightbox.

Experimenting more with showing the idea of the image dying from the inside out, memories being taken away from the subject. Shape created by tracing around a photograph of an actual tree stump with a hole in the middle....>

Looked back at old research on memories and Alzheimer's disease. Found the quote "Alzheimer's is like a tree with dutch elm disease. Dying from the inside out." Since my work is using tree rings as a metaphor for displaying the memories of a persons life, then this quote gave me an idea to produce the image above, where I am conveying Alzheimer's in a way that should appear beautiful and delicate. Therefore aim is to make it a subject to be talked about and the stigma about the disease removed.

This image was produced using a 0.3 fine liner and using the American road map symbols.
After looking at contours and maps, this lead me to look at the line and dash types used on different maps. I felt this was a good way of showing these rings since it related more to the idea of mapping the brain and memories, but also the journey of life in memories. These line markings above are from the UK ordnance survey map symbols.

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